Security Patch Management System

TCO!hotpatch is a system that optimizes the user's PC effectively by automatically installing patch files such as important updates for the PC operating system and virus engine to the PC.

TCO!hotpatch Overview

Windows Update Patch

Provides regular updates and service packs for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Batch force install

Batch patching controls all users to update their PCs without exception.

System Troubleshooting

Regular Windows update patches solve various system performance problems.

Main Features

Patch management is important, but never easy

Manage easily and conveniently with minimal resources

PC Easy Update

Improving work concentration with batch patches

Administrators can apply patch updates to all PC users at once, and PC users can focus on their own tasks without worrying about updates separately.

Improved patch management workload

It is possible to select and distribute by department, user, and operating system, and can drastically reduce the administrator's workload by identifying the installation status.

Restart control enables stable patching

For patch updates that require PC rebooting, various functions such as 'System restart after deployment', 'PUSH', and 'PULL' of TCO!hotpatch enable stable patch application.

Recognized Technology

TCO!hotpatch is a patch management solution that is stably operated by various companies with up to 80,000 PCs in Korea, China, and Malaysia.

Global China-Malaysia